
My favorite songs of Sid

Do you know this song? Maybe most people don’t know this song. But I like this song very much. The song’s title is “monokuro no kiss”. The song is love song and pure story. Mao wrote the words. He has a great talent. And this song was selected opening song of “Kuro Shistuji” among many songs. It was really nice for them! Yap!! I love this PV and this PV creates an atmosphere. They are very cool and nice looking. Mao will be 30 years old. Do you believe it? How cute he is!! He was born in Fukuoka. So he can speak Hakata accent. I have feel close to him. And he likes curry and rice. Yay!! I hear unpleasant stories about Moa (>-<) “He had a plastic surgery.” Boo!! No problem. It is O.K for me. Because Moa is very cool NOW. That is true.
I always listen to this song. Mousou Nikki. Yes the song is talking about a stoker. One girl loves one boy. But he doesn’t know about the girl. She calls at night so he can not sleep well. A weird story. When Sid sings this song at a concert, the concert grew livelier. Most people dance with choreography. The song makes growing up tense.
If you have a impression about these songs, please comment! (221) (2363)

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