

I got up at 7:00 in the morning. I always do not eat breakfast because I have no time and if I eat breakfast, I feel so bad in a bus. My class started at 9:00. We studied American History and American culture. My next class started at 10:40. We watched DVD about SUGAWARANO Michizane. I like this class so I am interested in Japanese culture and Japanese history. Michizane was a good scholar and he wrote many books. He liked to make a Chine poem prose. He really did very well and everyone respected him. In fact he was struggling to develop a new field and he wanted to help all farmers. He was loved most tenderly by an emperor. So HUJIWARANO Tokihira hated him. Then Tokihira wanted to hold real power of politics. He had one idea!! Michizane was demoted to a post of Dazaihu in Kyusyu. He was very sad but he could not defy. In Dazaihu, he lived poorly and he always wrote many poems. It was important to make poems. His poems in Dazaihu were pessimistic poems. Two years later, he died. Tokihira had absolute power in Kyoto. Kyoto became more and more prosperous. But there were many disasters and misfortune. Everyone who lived in Kyoto was worried about these. They thought that a vengeful of Michizane got people into troubles, so people worshipped as a god of studies. Oh, why do I talk about Michizane? I wanted to tell about my day. (248) (10014)

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