

Do you know this song? A lot of people know and remember this song. I like this song very much. But I don’t know EVANGELION. This animation is loved by many people in Akihabara. Why is this song loved by a lot of people? I don’t know. However this animation is Japanese culture.
Japan becomes the center of public attention about animation. Japanese animations are very nice and very fantastic. “Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakusi” is very famous all over the world. I like to watch Jiburi works. I love “Tennkuu no Siro Laputa”. I watch it very often. It makes me happy and I enjoyed it. Please check it!!
I will go to New Zealand to study English. I will research about Japanese animation in New Zealand. How many people know about Japanese animation? How do you think about this? I am going to leave Kumamoto soon. I am sad now. I have a lot of troubles. Aaaaaah……I will do my best. (163) (9722)

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