

Do you know this brand? This brand’s name is h.NAOTO. These clothe are designed by Naoto Hirooka. He graduated from Bunka Fukusou gakuin. Then he is a designer. He is world famous. His dress are very unique and novelty. Theme of 2008 Autumn and Winter Collection is amniotic fluid. I can not understand this means. Please watch models. Their makeup was amazing. Around eye were black. They were expressionless face. No smiling made me fearful and I felt mysterious atmosphere. He designs cloths decorating scheme based on black. They are very cool, hard, elegant, fashionable, beautiful and cute. They are refined. I don’t know how to express this brand. He often goes out to a street and he watches fashions of girls. Then he gets a lot of information and get inspiration from girls. He is very good. (138) (3370)

1 件のコメント:

Kaoringo さんのコメント...

Hi, Misora! I like h.Naoto, too. The brand is so cool and Gothic!!