
essay my treasure

My treasure is my friend. She is very kind to me and friendly. We have had a friendship of ten years. We went to the same elementary school and the same junior high school. And we learned the same accomplishment. We enjoyed playing the game, going to the shopping, watching TV, and so on. Even I had a terrible quarrel with her about trivial matters. But we were soon friends again. I look back on it with nostalgia. We commuted to different high school. So, we can not meet easily. We kept up a regular correspondence each other, but I was sad and lonely. When we passed the same time occasionally, I felt so good and got vigor. Then, she made me happy. Now, we go to the KGU together. It is wonderful. We idle talked very often. We enjoyed it. I hope that a bond of friendship is forever. And I think that shemust be my best friend and my true treasure.(163)

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